Environment, Health & Safety

Operating in a safe, reliable and environmentally sound way is our most important job. We are committed to protecting the well-being of the people and places we serve.

Download Global Partners’ EHS Statement (PDF)»

Our Responsibility

Safety and environmental protection are core tenants at Global. We incorporate them into everything we do, from our convenience stores to our terminals. We constantly encourage employees to look for new ways to improve our systems and performance. Our customers and communities count on us to operate safely.


We are accountable for operating safely and meeting our regulatory obligations and other requirements. We meet these objectives by continually improving our management systems, risk assessment and engineering controls. We all work together to prevent accidents and keep our facilities safe.

Training our Workforce

Global encourages our employees to engage in workplace safety efforts. We offer robust employee education programs, including online and on-site training. We also have detailed emergency plans and conduct regular drills to reinforce critical safety practices. We partner with government agencies in annual large-scale exercises to prepare for the unexpected.